Wooh, Merrick and I had a very yell-y day. Everything is frustrating him this week, and we couldn't go outside because the forest fires are making the air dangerous for kids and the elderly. Going outside is my trump card, my safety net, my option of last resort! We go out every day, but if Merrick gets crabby and it's not food/diaper/sleep related, I take him outside.
We're in no danger from the fires, thank goodness. The last I heard only a few homes in the Bay Area had been lost but I don't know if that's still true, I'll pay more attention to the radio tomorrow.
Luckily I had a jewelry class tonight. I know, I said I had finished for the month, but I forgot several. Oops. Tonight was a "Treasure Barrel" pendant, and I used peridot. I'd like to make another using an opaque stone, like the class samples.